Tuesday 18 December 2007

Merry Christmas!!

The Geography department would like to wish all everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Enjoy your holidays and we will see you all refreshed in the new year.

Top Tips for saving the environment over the Christmas Season

1. Switch off your Christmas lights!

2. Recycle old wrapping paper and christmas cards

3. Don't leave your oven on after your turkey is cooked!

4. Encourage your parents to buy fairtrade xmas pudding and an organic turkey.

5. Get farmers to use Rudolphs dung!!

6. Keep your left over sprouts, parsnips and potatoes for compost.

7. If going skiing keep to designated pistes and footpaths.

S4 Ocean Pollution Links

Here are the links for the ocean pollution web worksheet. click on the link that relates to each question to help you find the answers.




1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/int/geog/eei/coasts/

Sunday 9 December 2007

There is a new Geographer in town!!

Hi Everyone

My name is Calum Stevenson and I was born last Sunday. I am already sleeping loads but when I'm awake my Mum seems to talk an awful lot and she already has me looking at the weather and scenery so I think I will have to like Geography!! She has had me watching the power of the planet and the other night was getting very excited about ice and glaciers. Mum says everyone is to watch this programme and look at this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/earthpoweroftheplanet/.
Thank you to all Mum's pupils who have given me a present I am already playing with soft toys and rattles - I like their sound and I love my Disney blanket.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Power of the Planet - BBC 2 TONIGHT

Hello to all years.

I just couldn't contain my excitement when I saw this programme advertised and had to let you know about it:


It is on tonight, BBC2 at 9pm so set the DVD/video/plus box to record what looks to be a fantastic series on the Geological history of the earth. Tonight the presenter abseils into an active volcano!!


Monday 19 November 2007

Good Luck S4!!!

To all S4 Geographers

Good luck with your prelims!!

Remember Geography takes place on Thurs 29th Nov.

Use the S4 weblinks to help you with your revision.

Mrs Stone and Miss MacLeod will be available Friday lunch times for revision seminars. If you can't/don't want/don't need to come along please feel free to drop in at any time if you have any problems.

Friday 12 October 2007

Enjoy your October Holidays

Enjoy your next two weeks - S4 it may not be so enjoyable for you but remember to use the links for pupils to take you to some good revision sites.

Best of luck to everyone for the coming year, Mrs Stone will be taking over all of my classes while I am away reversing Scotlands decling population!

I will see you all in August 2008!

Mrs Stevenson

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Mrs Stevenson's S3 Fieldwork Deadlines

  • 3GEC1(You went on fieldwork last Tuesday 25th Sept) - Your DEADLINE is Friday 5th October to hand in your fieldreport.
  • 3GEH (You went on fieldwork last Friday 28th Sept) - Your DEADLINE is Tuesday 9th October to hand in your fieldreport.
Please remember to hand it in with your marking scheme, this should be used to give you hints on what to do.

The department will be open at lunchtimes to help anyone who needs it.

3C2 Fieldwork Report Deadline!!

Remember your fieldwork report must be handed in Wednesday 10th October!!

If you need to use maps, equipment or need a bit of help P24 is open each lunch time.

You must include:
  • An annotated field sketch of Dee Valley

  • An annotated field sketch of river meander

  • Justifications (why you used each technique)

  • Paragraph about each land use in the valley

  • A annotated photograph (optional)

  • Sketch map of area within Aberdeen and a sketch map of the local area

Here are some websites where you can find maps of Aberdeen:



But REMEMBER printing out a map is NOT a geography skill, DRAWING it by hand is!!!!

S2 China's One Child Policy

China's One Child Policy was started by the government to try and limit population growth in China.

Click on the websites below to find out about China's One Child Policy:


Use these websites to find out why some people argue the policy has been successful:


Use these websites to find out why some people argue that the policy has not been succesful and is causing major problems for the people of China:


Hot Tip!!
You might want to have a look at the opposing arguments as you don't want the other side to out argue you in class!!!

Sunday 30 September 2007


Your next pink sheet homework is due on Thursday 4th October.

This link may help with mass movement:

And this picture is just for Rachael!

S4 Weather Test

All S4 have their weather test on Monday period 6. The following a a list of what you MUST know for the test. PLEASE remember there is a big difference between describe and explain.

CREDIT: Be able to:

Understand and describe the weather from synoptic charts (anticylones and depresions) and synoptic symbols.

EXPLAIN the weather associated with depressions and anticyclones. (remember to discuss air pressure high/low, is air decending or accending, how quickly are clouds being formed, name cloud types, how close are isobars?, is air going clockwise/anticlockwise?).

Explain the link between windspeed and air pressure.

Describe and justify gathering techniques for weather elements.
GENERAL: Be able to:

  • Describe the weather associated with depressions (learn the table from your notes) and anticylones (remember to look if it is summer or winter chart)

  • Describe the processes of weather forecasting.

  • Interpet weather charts - both synoptic symbols and bbc symbols.

FOUNDATION: Be able to:

  • Interpret basic weather maps and make links between height and precipitation.

  • Name all the weather instruments for each element (you have a table in your notes and a worksheet with all this information on it).

  • Describe how all the weather instruments work.

  • Describe how to gather and process infomation on weather.
Revision sites.

Scalloway: http://www.scalloway.org.uk/weatcont.htm

Postman Pat! http://geographylost.blogspot.com/2007/03/postman-pat-does-depressions.html

Met office (good for cloud formation and forecasting info): http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/education/secondary/students/clouds.html

Some fun, easy revision :http://www.geographyatthemovies.co.uk/weather.html

Think you know it all now? Look at the synoptic chart for Monday. Try to describe and explain the weather for Monday, then check to see if you are right on the bbc website.

Monday 24 September 2007

S3 River Fieldtrip

3GEC1 remember your fieldtrip to the Dee is tomorrow. The forcast for tomorrow predicts light rain showers http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/24hr.shtml?world=0014.

Bearing this in mind please remember to bring a waterproof jacket and sensible shoes for walking on pavements. If you get cold easily then maybe a pair of gloves or a hat would be a good idea. You will be standing in the one position for around 10 minutes. Below is only one view of the river valley that you may want to use.

Tuesday 18 September 2007


Thursday is your first NAB - Physical Geography NAB.

Make your own at ProfilePitstop.com

S3 - 3H

You thought you were getting away with it ....didn't you! It is now Mrs Stevensons other classes turn (3H) to do the OS Map Homework.

Remember to read the questions properly and I don't want to hear about bridges, roads or golf courses when describing the PHYSICAL course of the river. Remember when doing this last question to mention, the direction of flow, width of the river (use a ruler!)any tributaries (their names and confluence points), any major features (be specific with a 6 figure Grid Reference).

Your homework is due in on TUESDAY the 25th of Septmeber.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

S3 - River OS Homework

Mrs Stevensons class (3C1) have been issued with their OS river map homework. You must remember to give 6 figure grid references. If you are stuck or unsure of any question, please ask before the hand in date of Tuesday 18th September.

Sunday 9 September 2007

S4 Homework

Mrs Stevenson's class have been issued with your first weather homework. It is due in on Friday the 14th of September. If you haven't already looked at the weather sites, now is the time to do so, make sure you are comfortable with both sets of symbols.

Thursday 6 September 2007

S3 River Homework

S3 homework is DUE NEXT WEEK! Mrs Stevensons classes MUST have this in by TUESDAY the 11th September.

If you are needing a little extra help try the links below to take you straight to river revision sites. Remember to use a diagram!

Tuesday 4 September 2007

S5 Biosphere Homework

Miss Brown has issued the Biosphere homework for next Monday 10th September. Click on the link below to take you straight to a VERY helpful website.

For Soils and Sand Dunes http://www.macaulay.ac.uk/soilposters/index.html

Thursday 30 August 2007

S5 Homework

HYDROSPHERE HOMEWORK - is due in on Tuesday the 5th (the same day as our fieldwork). Remember when answering Q2 you have to think about why erosion changes from mainly vertical to vertical and lateral as you move down stream and why erosion changes from mainly hydraulic action and abrasion to abrasion, attrition and corrosion further down stream.

HINTS: Think about volume of water, speed, gradient of valley and river flow.

Saturday 25 August 2007

S2 - Rich world poor world

Here are the links that we used in class if you would like to view them at home.




Slideshare - A new first

I am trialling something new here. I have uploaded an old powerpoint onto slideshare, it is a s4 revision powerpoint on Farming. If this is successful, I will be able to upload more powerpoints so you can view what has been taught in class at home.


Please let me know if this has been sucessful or if you like the idea.

Mrs S.

Nice weather - for how long?

As S4 have started studying weather it is nice to see that it is trying to be nice to us at least. Here is the synoptic chart for Tuesday - see if you can work out what the weather will be like in Aberdeen for then and Wednesday. If you want to see all the charts for the next 5 days click on:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ukweather/pressure.shtml .

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Make your own at ProfilePitstop.com

Saturday 11 August 2007

Congratulations on Your Results

Well done!! You have had time to digest your results by now and the majority of you should be very proud of yourselves - looks like some of you managed to work really hard for the main exam.

I will see the new Higher class on Tuesday the 21st (double Geography first day back - what more could you ask for), but for the old highers, pop up to say high so you can bask in your glory (and get one last ever gold star!).

Miss Irvine, Miss MacLeod and myself are very proud of all the Geographers of 2006/7.

PS - Higher class - don't forget that migration homework is due in, read the questions carefully and remember to include the case studies covered in class (China, Morrocco to Spain and Sudan).

Saturday 4 August 2007


Results day for is getting closer for all the Standard Grade and Higher Students of 2006/7. Good luck to you all, remember to give yourself a huge pat on the back for doing well but if all does not go as you hoped try not to stress if you don't get what you wanted.
I won't be in Aberdeen this week but will be in school the week before we go back after the holidays. There is no rush for appeals as the exam board won't take any paper work before we go back so don't panic and try to enjoy the rest of your holidays.

See you all in two weeks - Mrs S.

Monday 30 July 2007

Summer TV

Photo of Glen Coe (programme 3)

Did you see BBC1 last night? It is my new favourite Geography programme on the TV. Griff Rhys Jones not only looks at the stunning scenery of Britains Mountains but looks at the local people lives, the settlements, the use of the land and most fantastically of all the GEOLOGY!! (it is a Land use (S3) and Rural Land Resoures(S5) topic dream).

Yesterday (Sunday 29th July) he looked at the NW Highlands, exploring Ben Hope, Suilven and the Cullins in Skye as well as crofting he also throws in some History for good measure. Next week set your DVD/Video/Sky+ (or any other recordable device) for the Lake district (this is very important for Higher Students as you have to learn about the Lake district, its features, uses and conflicts).

DON'T MISS IT. Incase you do (because you're sunning yourself on some tropical island) - Check out the web page for some stunning photographs and information from the programme.


Monday 23 July 2007

Why you should never build on a flood plain!!

This picture shows just one area of the terrible floods (Upton-on-Severn). These recent floods are affecting many towns and cities in the South of England. The areas that have seen the worst effects are those around the River Severn, Britains longest river. S4 will remember this is one of the case study rivers that we looked at when studying rivers in S3. The floods have not only ruined houses but left over 350000 people (more than the population of the whole of Aberdeen) without clean water (this may seem ironic but the flood waters have contaminated the water supply) and up to 15 000 homes without electricity when a power station had to be switched off. The links below will take you to either some photographs of the effects of flooding over the last couple of days and also some articles.

Just photos: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/6910638.stm

Articles: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6911226.stm#anchor

If you want to keep an eye on the weather click here for the 5 day forecast for Britain. http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ukweather/

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Geography doesn't stop for the summer!!

Chances are if you are looking at this before the 21st of August you are bored! One big topic in the Higher Geography course is the transmission of Malaria in ELDC's. This month in the National Geographic magazine, Malaria is the cover story. You can buy it in any magazine shop, read it in the school library, or even easier click on the link below to read the article and see the vivid photographs. It is a fascinating topic that is constantly in the news, so anyone will enjoy learning about it. http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0707/feature1/

PS Higher pupils, if you didn't hand in your Migration homework before the end of the holidays it is due on the 21st of August - don't forget!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

What does Geography have in common with Madonna, the Foo Fighters and James Blunt?

The answer ..... Climate Change. On Saturday 7th Live Earth takes part in 7 different cities. Live Earth is a call on governments, cooperatations and individuals to take action on climate change. There will be over 100 music artists performing all over the world. If you don't have tickets for London you can watch on BBC2 from 1.30, continuing on BBC1. If you want to read more click on the links below.

Friday 29 June 2007

Ecotourism in the News

Botswana is planning to make the world's largest animal park as a conservation area in the hope of attracting more tourists. They are hoping that by doing this it will make their tourism sustainable by creating 100's of jobs and attracting tourists from all over the world. The park will also span Zambia and Zimbabwe whic has one of the largest waterfalls (by width) in the world - Victoria Falls (shown below). This is one of the continents biggest tourist attractions.
To read more click on the link below.


Thursday 28 June 2007

S2 Ecotourism

Did you enjoy the Ecotourism game in class? Think you can do better yourself? Click on the link below to play again - Maybe you could challenge a parent to do better than you?


Summer Weather??

I hope you have all been watching the news to see the what only can be described as tragic effect of weather on people and the landscape that Britain has seen for a long time. To see more pictures of the effect these heavy rains have had on Yorkshire click here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/6240038.stm this will also give you links to articles on the flooding.

S3 Homework

Your homework is due on TUESDAY 3rd JULY. If you can't make this date you should hand it in EARLY. You have to answer the ENQUIRY SKILLS questions 1-3 on the back of your worksheet into your jotter.

Remember when answering these type of questions to describe everything in detail and there will be NO QUIZ mentioned.


Sunday 17 June 2007

Changing World Geography?

The Amazon now 6800km?

S3 may be interested in this as your next topic will be rivers. Scientists in Brazil are claiming that the Amazon is the longest river in the world, up to now it has been firmly believed that this title goes to the Nile (in Africa). Keep your eyes on this story - it could be interesting!
To read about this in more detail, click on the link below:

S5 Population Homework

Your first PINK SHEET homework is due in on Friday 22nd of June.

Remember you are aiming to write one point for every mark.

Homework can be handed in EARLY, but there is no excuse for handing it in LATE!!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

S5 Population

Here are some of the links from todays lesson for you to look at in more detail:

World Population counter:
http://opr.princeton.edu/popclock/ OR

Minature Earth

UN. http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/

Make Poverty History (yellow dress film)

These are mainly all for your own personal interest, but you may need the statistics from the UN occasionally.

Monday 4 June 2007

Welcome to Higher Geography

Welcome to the new S5 and S6 to a new year of hard work and sweat. You will be given the course outline in class and this is your guide to what you will be studying over the next year. Basically you have to do double the work of Standard Grade in half the time!

There is no one website for you to look at but bitesize is a good starting point:

As we go through the year, I will keep you up to date with Geography news, homework and NAB deadlines and some revision websites.

Your first topic with Mrs Stevenson is Population, the website below is a good place to start your revision and we will be using it for some class work also.


Sunday 27 May 2007

Welcome to Standard Grade!!

Welcome new S3 to Standard Grade and two years of hard work and sweat! This week you will have your first introduction to Standard Grade Geography, the topics and our expectations of you. We expect you to work hard and at the same time enjoy studying our wonderful subject. This Blog is to help YOU. There will be homework hints and deadlines, links for fun (and serious) revision , hints to what you should be revising and links to keep you bang up todate with Geography in the world today (it's important you remember it's not just about the classroom). Hopefully you will use this with your parents and occasionally they might even be interested in looking too!

Your first links:

The boring stuff(what's in standard grade, more for your parents really): http://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/geography_sg.pdf

The easy revision (you have to know your maps!)http://mapzone.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/

The best revision website (learn to love it!) : http://www.scalloway.org.uk/

Tuesday 15 May 2007


You have been issued with your Settlement Homework.
This is due to be handed in on WEDNESDAY 30th MAY.
Those of you who are sitting F/G must answer Q1-4, those doing C/G must do Q1-7
HINTS - for question 6, think about school /hospital catchments, newspaper delivery, rubbish or recycling collection, customers for shops etc.

Friday 11 May 2007

S3 Settlement.

Need a bit of light hearted Settlement revision? Try clicking on the websites below, it is nice and simple but helps you to remember the key facts of types of settlement, function and zones.



On the other hand you might fancy a bit of challenging reading about the changes to Aberdeen.

Changes in the CBD.
http://www.talkdirect.com/images/microsites/site_assets/pdf/Aberdeen%20Citizen%20Bon%20Accord%20Wrap.pdf - for the updated masterplan for changes to the CBD.

Solutions to traffic problems?
http://www.awpr.co.uk/ for information on the by-pass (note this site will only give the benefits of the bypass).

http://www.road-sense.org/ourcampaign.html or http://www.aberdeengreenbelt.org/ try these for information on the disadvantages.

Monday 7 May 2007

Good luck and don't be late!

Less than 24 hours to go before the standard grade exam. Below are the exam times. Make sure you are on time to the exam. Remember to take a pen, pencil (for diagrams), a ruler (for measuring on the map) and a rubber. Make sure you are outside the hall at least 5 minutes before the exam.

Foundation: 9am - 10.05am

General: 10.25am-11.50am

Credit: 1pm-3pm

Take your time, don't panic, do your best and good luck.

Monday 30 April 2007

S4 - The countdown is on!!

Well there is only one week left of Geography Revision left! You should be concentrating on revising the topics you are unsure of. Use the links at the side to take to you scalloway or bitesize but don't forget the importance of practising with your past papers.

In the exam remember to:
  • READ THE QUESTION!! (take time to understand what they are asking you, is it describe, explain or both?)
  • BREATHE (of importance for your general wellbeing - what i really mean is try not to panic, take your time and explain everything fully)

Good Luck and remember I live in P24 so feel free to come and visit for any last minute help and advice.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

S5 Atomsphere Homework

Your final higher homework on atmosphere is due in on FRIDAY 27th April:

This website will give you some animations to help you in your answers:


The website below takes you to downloadable podcasts where you can just listen and learn!


Sunday 25 March 2007

S3 Exam

Your S3 exam will be on Thursday the 19th of April. This exam will cover all the topics that we have covered so far in Geography. Everyone sits two exams, the General and then either Credit or Foundation. Your teacher will remind you what level you should be sitting.

1. Rivers (revise how features are formed in the upper, middle and lower course. The uses of rivers and describing rivers using an OS map)
2. Glaciation (revise how features of erosion and deposition are formed. Be able to recognise features on an OS map and discuss land uses in glaciated landscapes)
3. Conflicts (you must be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of any land use for tourism and national parks, REMEMBER you may be asked about something you have never heard of before)
4. Population (including DTM, reasons behind population change including china's one child policy, problems of change and migration.)
5. Settlement (you must be able to describe and explain site and situation of a town or city, indentify functions from an OS map and give map evidence, revise settlement hierarchy and revise the concentric zone model and describe and explain differences between zones.)
6. Enquiry Skills (for any of the above topics you must be able to describe and give reasons for both gathering and processing information).

1. Don't Panic
2. Read the question carefully, highlighting important words such as DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, JUSTIFY, PROCESS, GATHERING, MAP EVIDENCE.
3. Write at least one extended sentence for each available mark.
4. Remember MISS IRVINE and MRS STEVENSON are STUPID so you will have to EXPLAIN EVERYTHING in FULL at all times because like examiners they need lots of DETAIL!!!!

Japanese Earthquake

A powerful Earthquake has struck in Japan showing the effect that the physical world can have on our human environment. The earthquake hit on the North West Coast of Honshu and reached 7.1 on the Richter Scale. The photograph shows just some of the damage caused. Click on the link below to see the whole story by the bbc, pictures and a report.


Thursday 22 March 2007

S3 Settlement Homework

You have been issued with your first Settlement homework. This homework concentrates on your understanding of the terms Site, Situation and Function as well as practising your OS map work skills and enquiry type questions. Your homework is due NO LATER than 30th March 2007, remember it can be handed in earlier!

Struggling with map skills? Try the Ordnance Survey website http://mapzone.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/

Use scalloway to help you if you get stuck.


Tuesday 20 March 2007

New Cure for Malaria?

Scientists have created a genetically modified strain of the anopholoes mosquito that is resistant to Malaria. It is hoped in the next 10-20 years that they could be introduced to the wild. In your Higher Paper II , Development and Health question, you could mention this as a way forward for the future of preventing Malaria.

Thursday 15 March 2007

Higher NAB warning

Your last NAB is on Thursday 22nd March. It is on Human Geography. Make sure you revise all Human Geography Topics for this date!

Useful websites include:

Population - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/geog/population/

Industry - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/higher/geography/human/industrial_rev.shtml

Rural - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/higher/geography/human/rural_rev.shtml

Happy revising!

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Rural Revision


This link will take you straight to the bitesize website for revision on RURAL. Your homework on this topic is due on Monday 19th March.

Tuesday 13 March 2007


On Thursday 22nd March you have your trade and aid test. Make sure you are revising. Here are some places to start revising.



Look at this for some information on the EU http://europa.eu/index_en.htm

look here for a good summary sheet on aid http://www.cafod.org.uk/var/storage/original/application/phpYqCxiY.pdf.
also try http://blip.tv/file/get/Adtastic2001-FairTrade277.wmv for a "movie"

Happy Revising!

Also look at the past links to fair trade and aid.

14th of March is WALK TO SCHOOL DAY!!

How does walk to school day tie in with what we are studying? Most topics that we cover in Geography have some impact on Climate Change. S1 are currently studying the effects of global warming on the worlds weather and s5 have to be able to discuss the theories behind climate change for their Higher exam.

Click on the links below to see how the topic you are currently studying is affected by climate change:
S1: Climate change - try this http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/climatechange/
S2: Coastal Geography - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/4199206.stm
S3: Settlement Geography - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4306178.stm
S4: European Union - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/europe_diary/default.stm
S5: Atmosphere topic - http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/bitesize/higher/geography/physical/atmosphere2_rev.shtml

Thursday 8 March 2007

Extensive Commercial Farming

Who would believe you could have so many websites dedicated to Farming in the US!
Click on the link below to enter into a world that offers you the "breaking news" in farming, amazing links about cotton and "whats new in agriculture".


Wednesday 7 March 2007

Indonesian Earthquake

Yesterday an Earthquake hit Indonesia killing at least 70 people. Figures of those dead are variable and there are still reports of some still trapped under the rubble.
The aid efforts haven't reached there until today. The Indonesian Government and the Red Cross have sent cooking oil, rice, tents, medicine and drinking water. This is a good example of short term emergency aid. Many are worried that they won't get long term aid to help rebuild their homes.
If you want to revise why earthquakes happen click here to remind yourself. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4126809.stm

Tuesday 6 March 2007

S4 - Homework Trade and Aid

DON'T FORGET Your Trade and aid blue sheet is due in on Tuesday 13th March.

To help you revise try the following sites:



Thursday 1 March 2007

S4 - Short and long term aid.

Why is Getachew happy about having a sore back?
Click here to see the poster of the irrigation channel. https://www.worldvision.org.uk/upload/pdf/aidquest_poster_20061123090655.pdf
Answer the question in your notes for at least 6 marks. Then describe the advantages and disadvantages of long and short term aid and describe what a self help scheme is. This MUST be completed for class on Tuesday 6th March

Wednesday 28 February 2007


You have been studying population and migration since the start of this term. Your test on this topic will be next Friday, the 9th March. Your migration homework is due on the 2nd of March. For your test make sure you can do the following:

Describe and explain changes in world population, using the DTM as a model.

Use a population pyramid to describe and explain current and future issues within ELDC's and EMDC's

Describe and explain reasons behind population distribution.

Explain why a census is collected and what problems their can be in their collection.

Describe and explain the problems in a growing population and suggest some solutions e.g. China's One Child Policy.

Describe and explain the problems of an ageing population e.g. Scotland.

Describe and explain reasons behind Migration in terms of Push and Pull factors.

Give examples of concequences of Rural to Urban Migration in EMDC's (LA) and ELDC's (Rio).

Describe migration between countries using a specific case study and be able to explain the push and pull factors and the concequences for each country.

If you want to use the internet to revise, here are some links to help you:





Good Luck and Happy Revising!!

Sunday 25 February 2007

Fair Trade Fortnight

Monday sees the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. You can support this in school by visiting the stall run by S4 & S5 Geography pupils on Friday the 2nd and 9th of March in the assembly hall at lunchtime.

Higher - Sand Dunes

This is one of our topics most closely linked with Biology. You have to be able to describe the plants and explain the succession of a sand dune, for example at Balmeadie. To read up on this topic try the following websites:


Your homework sheet on Biosphere is due on Wednesday 7th March.

Saturday 24 February 2007

Bolivian Floods.

Bolivia has recently seen the worst floods in over 25 years . Two months of heavy rainfall have resulted in areas of flooding and mudslides. This has left over 100,000 homeless and 40 dead. The stagnant water is increasing the incidence of disease with over 1,400 reports of Malaria being reported.

Currently emergency aid is needed for tents, food and medicines and this has started to arrive. Some of this aid is international from Venezuela,Peru, USA and others. Some aid has been voluntary, the Red Cross has sent tents and set up food kitchens and Oxfam is planning to send long term aid to one of the worst hit areas, San Julian once the floods subside by helping the clean up operation, rebuilding and helping plant crops.

Keep up to date with the news and Aid efforts by clicking on the links below:

Tuesday 20 February 2007

In the News - Migration

Migration is a hot topic at the moment. With Scotlands declining population more and more migrants are coming to Scotland, 18, 000 are estimated to have arrived in Edinburgh since 2004. Think about the push and pull factors that encourage people to come here and what about the concequences for both the country of origin and destination. Keep your eye on the news and the web for more upto date information.


Thursday 15 February 2007

Rwanda - Three Child Policy?

Currently Rwanda is planning to limit family size to three children. Rwanda currently has a birth rate of 6 and is estimated to double its poulation to 18million by the year 2030. The goverment wants to control the population as industry is not developing in line with population growth and soil is becoming overused for farming in order to try to supply enough food to the population. Many religious leaders are opposed to this suggestion. This is the first African country to try to set a limit on family size. Questions to think about - Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think Rwanda should try to limit births? How should they do it? What lessons can they learn from China?


S4 - Fairtrade. Remember for Tuesday 20th February to finish Q1-6 ready to be marked in class. Fairtrade fortnight starts on the 26th of February and the Geography Department will be running a stall in the school on the 2nd and 9th of March to help promote fairtrade. If you are interested further in finding out about fairtrade click on the links below.



Monday 12 February 2007

Well done to Charlie, Jordan and Jegan who came 3rd in the final of the North East heat for the World Wise Quiz. It was the first year that Cults Academy have reached the final and just missed out on reaching the Scottish finals by one place. Good Luck to the Grammer and Mearns who did make it through, hopefully they will win it for the North East.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

S4 Homework

All S4 students have been issued with their new homework on industry. This is due in on Tuesday 13th of February. Remember to use the scalloway website to help you revise for this topic.

Sunday 4 February 2007


The study of soils - how much more interesting can you get. My favorite is the brown earth profile - what's yours? Rumour has it that Miss Irvine and Miss Macleod love a podsol!!!
Check out the posters on the Macauly Institute website - get them on your wall now!

Another good website for revisions is this:
http://www.schoolportal.co.uk/GroupRenderCustomPage.asp?GroupID=12426&ResourceId=96848 This website has some great animations to help you understand soils.

China and Climate Change

All S3 pupils have been studying the impact of the "One Child Policy" in China on the population growth but how does this link to Climate Change? With a rapidly growing economy and with over one fifth of the worlds population China is expected to have a rapid rise in its need for energy. This article from the bbc shows how Climate Change is closely related to your current topic.

Inconvenient Truth

S3 are going to the Belmont cinema to see the film " An Inconvenient Truth" this week. This film explores the arguments behind the very current geographical topic of climate change. Click on the link below for more information about the film.


Higher Prelim

Good luck to all the Higher Pupils who are due to sit their Prelim on the 8th of February. To help you try some of the following websites to revise:


Welcome to the first ever post on our blog. This blog is for you - the Geography Students of Cults Academy to help you with your studies. I hope to add information that is relevant to topics that you are currently working on as well as articals of general interest. Enjoy!