Saturday 24 February 2007

Bolivian Floods.

Bolivia has recently seen the worst floods in over 25 years . Two months of heavy rainfall have resulted in areas of flooding and mudslides. This has left over 100,000 homeless and 40 dead. The stagnant water is increasing the incidence of disease with over 1,400 reports of Malaria being reported.

Currently emergency aid is needed for tents, food and medicines and this has started to arrive. Some of this aid is international from Venezuela,Peru, USA and others. Some aid has been voluntary, the Red Cross has sent tents and set up food kitchens and Oxfam is planning to send long term aid to one of the worst hit areas, San Julian once the floods subside by helping the clean up operation, rebuilding and helping plant crops.

Keep up to date with the news and Aid efforts by clicking on the links below: