Sunday 25 March 2007

S3 Exam

Your S3 exam will be on Thursday the 19th of April. This exam will cover all the topics that we have covered so far in Geography. Everyone sits two exams, the General and then either Credit or Foundation. Your teacher will remind you what level you should be sitting.

1. Rivers (revise how features are formed in the upper, middle and lower course. The uses of rivers and describing rivers using an OS map)
2. Glaciation (revise how features of erosion and deposition are formed. Be able to recognise features on an OS map and discuss land uses in glaciated landscapes)
3. Conflicts (you must be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of any land use for tourism and national parks, REMEMBER you may be asked about something you have never heard of before)
4. Population (including DTM, reasons behind population change including china's one child policy, problems of change and migration.)
5. Settlement (you must be able to describe and explain site and situation of a town or city, indentify functions from an OS map and give map evidence, revise settlement hierarchy and revise the concentric zone model and describe and explain differences between zones.)
6. Enquiry Skills (for any of the above topics you must be able to describe and give reasons for both gathering and processing information).

1. Don't Panic
2. Read the question carefully, highlighting important words such as DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, JUSTIFY, PROCESS, GATHERING, MAP EVIDENCE.
3. Write at least one extended sentence for each available mark.
4. Remember MISS IRVINE and MRS STEVENSON are STUPID so you will have to EXPLAIN EVERYTHING in FULL at all times because like examiners they need lots of DETAIL!!!!