Sunday 25 March 2007

S3 Exam

Your S3 exam will be on Thursday the 19th of April. This exam will cover all the topics that we have covered so far in Geography. Everyone sits two exams, the General and then either Credit or Foundation. Your teacher will remind you what level you should be sitting.

1. Rivers (revise how features are formed in the upper, middle and lower course. The uses of rivers and describing rivers using an OS map)
2. Glaciation (revise how features of erosion and deposition are formed. Be able to recognise features on an OS map and discuss land uses in glaciated landscapes)
3. Conflicts (you must be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of any land use for tourism and national parks, REMEMBER you may be asked about something you have never heard of before)
4. Population (including DTM, reasons behind population change including china's one child policy, problems of change and migration.)
5. Settlement (you must be able to describe and explain site and situation of a town or city, indentify functions from an OS map and give map evidence, revise settlement hierarchy and revise the concentric zone model and describe and explain differences between zones.)
6. Enquiry Skills (for any of the above topics you must be able to describe and give reasons for both gathering and processing information).

1. Don't Panic
2. Read the question carefully, highlighting important words such as DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, JUSTIFY, PROCESS, GATHERING, MAP EVIDENCE.
3. Write at least one extended sentence for each available mark.
4. Remember MISS IRVINE and MRS STEVENSON are STUPID so you will have to EXPLAIN EVERYTHING in FULL at all times because like examiners they need lots of DETAIL!!!!

Japanese Earthquake

A powerful Earthquake has struck in Japan showing the effect that the physical world can have on our human environment. The earthquake hit on the North West Coast of Honshu and reached 7.1 on the Richter Scale. The photograph shows just some of the damage caused. Click on the link below to see the whole story by the bbc, pictures and a report.

Thursday 22 March 2007

S3 Settlement Homework

You have been issued with your first Settlement homework. This homework concentrates on your understanding of the terms Site, Situation and Function as well as practising your OS map work skills and enquiry type questions. Your homework is due NO LATER than 30th March 2007, remember it can be handed in earlier!

Struggling with map skills? Try the Ordnance Survey website

Use scalloway to help you if you get stuck.


Tuesday 20 March 2007

New Cure for Malaria?

Scientists have created a genetically modified strain of the anopholoes mosquito that is resistant to Malaria. It is hoped in the next 10-20 years that they could be introduced to the wild. In your Higher Paper II , Development and Health question, you could mention this as a way forward for the future of preventing Malaria.

Thursday 15 March 2007

Higher NAB warning

Your last NAB is on Thursday 22nd March. It is on Human Geography. Make sure you revise all Human Geography Topics for this date!

Useful websites include:

Population -

Industry -

Rural -

Happy revising!

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Rural Revision

This link will take you straight to the bitesize website for revision on RURAL. Your homework on this topic is due on Monday 19th March.

Tuesday 13 March 2007


On Thursday 22nd March you have your trade and aid test. Make sure you are revising. Here are some places to start revising.

Look at this for some information on the EU

look here for a good summary sheet on aid
also try for a "movie"

Happy Revising!

Also look at the past links to fair trade and aid.

14th of March is WALK TO SCHOOL DAY!!

How does walk to school day tie in with what we are studying? Most topics that we cover in Geography have some impact on Climate Change. S1 are currently studying the effects of global warming on the worlds weather and s5 have to be able to discuss the theories behind climate change for their Higher exam.

Click on the links below to see how the topic you are currently studying is affected by climate change:
S1: Climate change - try this
S2: Coastal Geography -
S3: Settlement Geography -
S4: European Union -
S5: Atmosphere topic -

Thursday 8 March 2007

Extensive Commercial Farming

Who would believe you could have so many websites dedicated to Farming in the US!
Click on the link below to enter into a world that offers you the "breaking news" in farming, amazing links about cotton and "whats new in agriculture".

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Indonesian Earthquake

Yesterday an Earthquake hit Indonesia killing at least 70 people. Figures of those dead are variable and there are still reports of some still trapped under the rubble.
The aid efforts haven't reached there until today. The Indonesian Government and the Red Cross have sent cooking oil, rice, tents, medicine and drinking water. This is a good example of short term emergency aid. Many are worried that they won't get long term aid to help rebuild their homes.
If you want to revise why earthquakes happen click here to remind yourself.

Tuesday 6 March 2007

S4 - Homework Trade and Aid

DON'T FORGET Your Trade and aid blue sheet is due in on Tuesday 13th March.

To help you revise try the following sites:

Thursday 1 March 2007

S4 - Short and long term aid.

Why is Getachew happy about having a sore back?
Click here to see the poster of the irrigation channel.
Answer the question in your notes for at least 6 marks. Then describe the advantages and disadvantages of long and short term aid and describe what a self help scheme is. This MUST be completed for class on Tuesday 6th March