Wednesday 28 February 2007


You have been studying population and migration since the start of this term. Your test on this topic will be next Friday, the 9th March. Your migration homework is due on the 2nd of March. For your test make sure you can do the following:

Describe and explain changes in world population, using the DTM as a model.

Use a population pyramid to describe and explain current and future issues within ELDC's and EMDC's

Describe and explain reasons behind population distribution.

Explain why a census is collected and what problems their can be in their collection.

Describe and explain the problems in a growing population and suggest some solutions e.g. China's One Child Policy.

Describe and explain the problems of an ageing population e.g. Scotland.

Describe and explain reasons behind Migration in terms of Push and Pull factors.

Give examples of concequences of Rural to Urban Migration in EMDC's (LA) and ELDC's (Rio).

Describe migration between countries using a specific case study and be able to explain the push and pull factors and the concequences for each country.

If you want to use the internet to revise, here are some links to help you:

Good Luck and Happy Revising!!

Sunday 25 February 2007

Fair Trade Fortnight

Monday sees the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. You can support this in school by visiting the stall run by S4 & S5 Geography pupils on Friday the 2nd and 9th of March in the assembly hall at lunchtime.

Higher - Sand Dunes

This is one of our topics most closely linked with Biology. You have to be able to describe the plants and explain the succession of a sand dune, for example at Balmeadie. To read up on this topic try the following websites:

Your homework sheet on Biosphere is due on Wednesday 7th March.

Saturday 24 February 2007

Bolivian Floods.

Bolivia has recently seen the worst floods in over 25 years . Two months of heavy rainfall have resulted in areas of flooding and mudslides. This has left over 100,000 homeless and 40 dead. The stagnant water is increasing the incidence of disease with over 1,400 reports of Malaria being reported.

Currently emergency aid is needed for tents, food and medicines and this has started to arrive. Some of this aid is international from Venezuela,Peru, USA and others. Some aid has been voluntary, the Red Cross has sent tents and set up food kitchens and Oxfam is planning to send long term aid to one of the worst hit areas, San Julian once the floods subside by helping the clean up operation, rebuilding and helping plant crops.

Keep up to date with the news and Aid efforts by clicking on the links below:

Tuesday 20 February 2007

In the News - Migration

Migration is a hot topic at the moment. With Scotlands declining population more and more migrants are coming to Scotland, 18, 000 are estimated to have arrived in Edinburgh since 2004. Think about the push and pull factors that encourage people to come here and what about the concequences for both the country of origin and destination. Keep your eye on the news and the web for more upto date information.

Thursday 15 February 2007

Rwanda - Three Child Policy?

Currently Rwanda is planning to limit family size to three children. Rwanda currently has a birth rate of 6 and is estimated to double its poulation to 18million by the year 2030. The goverment wants to control the population as industry is not developing in line with population growth and soil is becoming overused for farming in order to try to supply enough food to the population. Many religious leaders are opposed to this suggestion. This is the first African country to try to set a limit on family size. Questions to think about - Do you think this is a good idea? Do you think Rwanda should try to limit births? How should they do it? What lessons can they learn from China?


S4 - Fairtrade. Remember for Tuesday 20th February to finish Q1-6 ready to be marked in class. Fairtrade fortnight starts on the 26th of February and the Geography Department will be running a stall in the school on the 2nd and 9th of March to help promote fairtrade. If you are interested further in finding out about fairtrade click on the links below.

Monday 12 February 2007

Well done to Charlie, Jordan and Jegan who came 3rd in the final of the North East heat for the World Wise Quiz. It was the first year that Cults Academy have reached the final and just missed out on reaching the Scottish finals by one place. Good Luck to the Grammer and Mearns who did make it through, hopefully they will win it for the North East.

Tuesday 6 February 2007

S4 Homework

All S4 students have been issued with their new homework on industry. This is due in on Tuesday 13th of February. Remember to use the scalloway website to help you revise for this topic.

Sunday 4 February 2007


The study of soils - how much more interesting can you get. My favorite is the brown earth profile - what's yours? Rumour has it that Miss Irvine and Miss Macleod love a podsol!!!
Check out the posters on the Macauly Institute website - get them on your wall now!

Another good website for revisions is this: This website has some great animations to help you understand soils.

China and Climate Change

All S3 pupils have been studying the impact of the "One Child Policy" in China on the population growth but how does this link to Climate Change? With a rapidly growing economy and with over one fifth of the worlds population China is expected to have a rapid rise in its need for energy. This article from the bbc shows how Climate Change is closely related to your current topic.

Inconvenient Truth

S3 are going to the Belmont cinema to see the film " An Inconvenient Truth" this week. This film explores the arguments behind the very current geographical topic of climate change. Click on the link below for more information about the film.

Higher Prelim

Good luck to all the Higher Pupils who are due to sit their Prelim on the 8th of February. To help you try some of the following websites to revise:

Welcome to the first ever post on our blog. This blog is for you - the Geography Students of Cults Academy to help you with your studies. I hope to add information that is relevant to topics that you are currently working on as well as articals of general interest. Enjoy!