Tuesday 18 December 2007

Merry Christmas!!

The Geography department would like to wish all everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Enjoy your holidays and we will see you all refreshed in the new year.

Top Tips for saving the environment over the Christmas Season

1. Switch off your Christmas lights!

2. Recycle old wrapping paper and christmas cards

3. Don't leave your oven on after your turkey is cooked!

4. Encourage your parents to buy fairtrade xmas pudding and an organic turkey.

5. Get farmers to use Rudolphs dung!!

6. Keep your left over sprouts, parsnips and potatoes for compost.

7. If going skiing keep to designated pistes and footpaths.

S4 Ocean Pollution Links

Here are the links for the ocean pollution web worksheet. click on the link that relates to each question to help you find the answers.




1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/education/int/geog/eei/coasts/

Sunday 9 December 2007

There is a new Geographer in town!!

Hi Everyone

My name is Calum Stevenson and I was born last Sunday. I am already sleeping loads but when I'm awake my Mum seems to talk an awful lot and she already has me looking at the weather and scenery so I think I will have to like Geography!! She has had me watching the power of the planet and the other night was getting very excited about ice and glaciers. Mum says everyone is to watch this programme and look at this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/earthpoweroftheplanet/.
Thank you to all Mum's pupils who have given me a present I am already playing with soft toys and rattles - I like their sound and I love my Disney blanket.