Friday 12 October 2007

Enjoy your October Holidays

Enjoy your next two weeks - S4 it may not be so enjoyable for you but remember to use the links for pupils to take you to some good revision sites.

Best of luck to everyone for the coming year, Mrs Stone will be taking over all of my classes while I am away reversing Scotlands decling population!

I will see you all in August 2008!

Mrs Stevenson

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Mrs Stevenson's S3 Fieldwork Deadlines

  • 3GEC1(You went on fieldwork last Tuesday 25th Sept) - Your DEADLINE is Friday 5th October to hand in your fieldreport.
  • 3GEH (You went on fieldwork last Friday 28th Sept) - Your DEADLINE is Tuesday 9th October to hand in your fieldreport.
Please remember to hand it in with your marking scheme, this should be used to give you hints on what to do.

The department will be open at lunchtimes to help anyone who needs it.

3C2 Fieldwork Report Deadline!!

Remember your fieldwork report must be handed in Wednesday 10th October!!

If you need to use maps, equipment or need a bit of help P24 is open each lunch time.

You must include:
  • An annotated field sketch of Dee Valley

  • An annotated field sketch of river meander

  • Justifications (why you used each technique)

  • Paragraph about each land use in the valley

  • A annotated photograph (optional)

  • Sketch map of area within Aberdeen and a sketch map of the local area

Here are some websites where you can find maps of Aberdeen:

But REMEMBER printing out a map is NOT a geography skill, DRAWING it by hand is!!!!

S2 China's One Child Policy

China's One Child Policy was started by the government to try and limit population growth in China.

Click on the websites below to find out about China's One Child Policy:

Use these websites to find out why some people argue the policy has been successful:

Use these websites to find out why some people argue that the policy has not been succesful and is causing major problems for the people of China:

Hot Tip!!
You might want to have a look at the opposing arguments as you don't want the other side to out argue you in class!!!