Sunday 30 September 2007


Your next pink sheet homework is due on Thursday 4th October.

This link may help with mass movement:

And this picture is just for Rachael!

S4 Weather Test

All S4 have their weather test on Monday period 6. The following a a list of what you MUST know for the test. PLEASE remember there is a big difference between describe and explain.

CREDIT: Be able to:

Understand and describe the weather from synoptic charts (anticylones and depresions) and synoptic symbols.

EXPLAIN the weather associated with depressions and anticyclones. (remember to discuss air pressure high/low, is air decending or accending, how quickly are clouds being formed, name cloud types, how close are isobars?, is air going clockwise/anticlockwise?).

Explain the link between windspeed and air pressure.

Describe and justify gathering techniques for weather elements.
GENERAL: Be able to:

  • Describe the weather associated with depressions (learn the table from your notes) and anticylones (remember to look if it is summer or winter chart)

  • Describe the processes of weather forecasting.

  • Interpet weather charts - both synoptic symbols and bbc symbols.

FOUNDATION: Be able to:

  • Interpret basic weather maps and make links between height and precipitation.

  • Name all the weather instruments for each element (you have a table in your notes and a worksheet with all this information on it).

  • Describe how all the weather instruments work.

  • Describe how to gather and process infomation on weather.
Revision sites.


Postman Pat!

Met office (good for cloud formation and forecasting info):

Some fun, easy revision :

Think you know it all now? Look at the synoptic chart for Monday. Try to describe and explain the weather for Monday, then check to see if you are right on the bbc website.

Monday 24 September 2007

S3 River Fieldtrip

3GEC1 remember your fieldtrip to the Dee is tomorrow. The forcast for tomorrow predicts light rain showers

Bearing this in mind please remember to bring a waterproof jacket and sensible shoes for walking on pavements. If you get cold easily then maybe a pair of gloves or a hat would be a good idea. You will be standing in the one position for around 10 minutes. Below is only one view of the river valley that you may want to use.

Tuesday 18 September 2007


Thursday is your first NAB - Physical Geography NAB.

Make your own at

S3 - 3H

You thought you were getting away with it ....didn't you! It is now Mrs Stevensons other classes turn (3H) to do the OS Map Homework.

Remember to read the questions properly and I don't want to hear about bridges, roads or golf courses when describing the PHYSICAL course of the river. Remember when doing this last question to mention, the direction of flow, width of the river (use a ruler!)any tributaries (their names and confluence points), any major features (be specific with a 6 figure Grid Reference).

Your homework is due in on TUESDAY the 25th of Septmeber.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

S3 - River OS Homework

Mrs Stevensons class (3C1) have been issued with their OS river map homework. You must remember to give 6 figure grid references. If you are stuck or unsure of any question, please ask before the hand in date of Tuesday 18th September.

Sunday 9 September 2007

S4 Homework

Mrs Stevenson's class have been issued with your first weather homework. It is due in on Friday the 14th of September. If you haven't already looked at the weather sites, now is the time to do so, make sure you are comfortable with both sets of symbols.

Thursday 6 September 2007

S3 River Homework

S3 homework is DUE NEXT WEEK! Mrs Stevensons classes MUST have this in by TUESDAY the 11th September.

If you are needing a little extra help try the links below to take you straight to river revision sites. Remember to use a diagram!

Tuesday 4 September 2007

S5 Biosphere Homework

Miss Brown has issued the Biosphere homework for next Monday 10th September. Click on the link below to take you straight to a VERY helpful website.

For Soils and Sand Dunes