Monday 30 July 2007

Summer TV

Photo of Glen Coe (programme 3)

Did you see BBC1 last night? It is my new favourite Geography programme on the TV. Griff Rhys Jones not only looks at the stunning scenery of Britains Mountains but looks at the local people lives, the settlements, the use of the land and most fantastically of all the GEOLOGY!! (it is a Land use (S3) and Rural Land Resoures(S5) topic dream).

Yesterday (Sunday 29th July) he looked at the NW Highlands, exploring Ben Hope, Suilven and the Cullins in Skye as well as crofting he also throws in some History for good measure. Next week set your DVD/Video/Sky+ (or any other recordable device) for the Lake district (this is very important for Higher Students as you have to learn about the Lake district, its features, uses and conflicts).

DON'T MISS IT. Incase you do (because you're sunning yourself on some tropical island) - Check out the web page for some stunning photographs and information from the programme.

Monday 23 July 2007

Why you should never build on a flood plain!!

This picture shows just one area of the terrible floods (Upton-on-Severn). These recent floods are affecting many towns and cities in the South of England. The areas that have seen the worst effects are those around the River Severn, Britains longest river. S4 will remember this is one of the case study rivers that we looked at when studying rivers in S3. The floods have not only ruined houses but left over 350000 people (more than the population of the whole of Aberdeen) without clean water (this may seem ironic but the flood waters have contaminated the water supply) and up to 15 000 homes without electricity when a power station had to be switched off. The links below will take you to either some photographs of the effects of flooding over the last couple of days and also some articles.

Just photos:


If you want to keep an eye on the weather click here for the 5 day forecast for Britain.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

Geography doesn't stop for the summer!!

Chances are if you are looking at this before the 21st of August you are bored! One big topic in the Higher Geography course is the transmission of Malaria in ELDC's. This month in the National Geographic magazine, Malaria is the cover story. You can buy it in any magazine shop, read it in the school library, or even easier click on the link below to read the article and see the vivid photographs. It is a fascinating topic that is constantly in the news, so anyone will enjoy learning about it.

PS Higher pupils, if you didn't hand in your Migration homework before the end of the holidays it is due on the 21st of August - don't forget!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

What does Geography have in common with Madonna, the Foo Fighters and James Blunt?

The answer ..... Climate Change. On Saturday 7th Live Earth takes part in 7 different cities. Live Earth is a call on governments, cooperatations and individuals to take action on climate change. There will be over 100 music artists performing all over the world. If you don't have tickets for London you can watch on BBC2 from 1.30, continuing on BBC1. If you want to read more click on the links below.