Sunday 27 May 2007

Welcome to Standard Grade!!

Welcome new S3 to Standard Grade and two years of hard work and sweat! This week you will have your first introduction to Standard Grade Geography, the topics and our expectations of you. We expect you to work hard and at the same time enjoy studying our wonderful subject. This Blog is to help YOU. There will be homework hints and deadlines, links for fun (and serious) revision , hints to what you should be revising and links to keep you bang up todate with Geography in the world today (it's important you remember it's not just about the classroom). Hopefully you will use this with your parents and occasionally they might even be interested in looking too!

Your first links:

The boring stuff(what's in standard grade, more for your parents really):

The easy revision (you have to know your maps!)

The best revision website (learn to love it!) :

Tuesday 15 May 2007


You have been issued with your Settlement Homework.
This is due to be handed in on WEDNESDAY 30th MAY.
Those of you who are sitting F/G must answer Q1-4, those doing C/G must do Q1-7
HINTS - for question 6, think about school /hospital catchments, newspaper delivery, rubbish or recycling collection, customers for shops etc.

Friday 11 May 2007

S3 Settlement.

Need a bit of light hearted Settlement revision? Try clicking on the websites below, it is nice and simple but helps you to remember the key facts of types of settlement, function and zones.

On the other hand you might fancy a bit of challenging reading about the changes to Aberdeen.

Changes in the CBD. - for the updated masterplan for changes to the CBD.

Solutions to traffic problems? for information on the by-pass (note this site will only give the benefits of the bypass). or try these for information on the disadvantages.

Monday 7 May 2007

Good luck and don't be late!

Less than 24 hours to go before the standard grade exam. Below are the exam times. Make sure you are on time to the exam. Remember to take a pen, pencil (for diagrams), a ruler (for measuring on the map) and a rubber. Make sure you are outside the hall at least 5 minutes before the exam.

Foundation: 9am - 10.05am

General: 10.25am-11.50am

Credit: 1pm-3pm

Take your time, don't panic, do your best and good luck.